by Brittany Geragotelis

My friend Colleen and I worked together at cheerleader for several years before she decided to move upstate. We were really close; sort of went through our young, single and fun in NYC phase together. When Coll told me that she was moving away with her then boyfriend, Donny, I was sad to see her go and worried that since she was beginning a new phase in her adult life that I wouldn't fit into, and that we'd grow apart.
But the exact opposite ended up happening. Her moving away actually brought us closer. And my fears that we wouldn't have anything to talk about now that our lives weren't on the same track were put to rest when I realized that she wasn't going to change just because she had a baby (hi Sailor!), got married (to Donny, Woo Hoo!), and then had baby #2 (hi Beckett!!!).

Colleen is an anomaly. Yes, she has kids. Yes, she's a busy and dedicated mom. Yes, she's a wife and holds down the house. But she's still managed to stay
Colleen. When we talk, it's not all about the kids and husband (although we do talk about them, too). She likes to talk about what happened on "The Real Housewives" and what Lindsay Lohan did this week. She loves to read and write and calls every time she hears about something involving the cheer world (once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader, right?). And most appreciated is that she never makes me feel weird because I'm not married with kids. We can still relate to each other and enjoy each other's company no matter where either of us are in our lives.

We may not talk as often as we used to, but let's be honest, we're both really busy. But no matter how swamped we are, we always call to catch up at least once a week. In short, Colleen amazes me. She's an incredible mother, wife and friend. She truly does it all...and always with a smile on her face. Coll makes it look easy. But most of all, she's retained her identity as her life has expanded to include a family. Not a lot of people can do this, and I'm so grateful to have her in my life.
I went up to Greenwich, CT, this weekend to visit Coll and see her brand new baby boy, Beckett William Wood-Smith. He's so cute and tiny and I got to get in my baby fix for a few hours. And even with her hands full with two babies, she managed to still be an incredible hostess. Coll is truly a Super Mom!
Take a look at some of the first pics of little Beckett! How adorable is he? Seriously!
Some people look awkward when they hold a baby, You look like a natural. I just turned 30 and now when I hold a baby it makes me think about how much I would like to be a mom and think maybe its time to begin the next chapter of my life. What about you?
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