So, today I turned 31! And so far, it's already better than 30. This time last year, I was really sick. I'd fallen sick again from a mystery illness, which I still think was another autoimmune disease, but my doctors never figured out what was wrong. So, since I'm not weighing in at an unhealthy 87 pounds and puking my guts out, I'd say this b-day is significantly better than last year's.

So, what's on the horizon for me in the next year? I have no idea, but here are a few of the things I'd like to accomplish within the next 365 days.
1. Finally get another agent and have one of my novels published.
2. Write that cheerleading book that's 9 years overdue.

4. Go to a shooting range.
5. Start saving money.
6. Go on my first adult vacation.
7. Try something new every month.
8. Interview some of my favorite authors and actors.
9. Attend a concert.
10. Make a movie for fun (either a music video or a short that I've written).
What would be on your list? Leave your comments below!
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